The Lego Batman Movie
Ends well. It has a great message about family, selfless-ness vs selfishness and wraps up very well.
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The LEGO Batman Movie
Kung Fu Panda
I should give a warning of violence. It is Kung Fu. There's a lot of fighting which, if imitated, can cause injury. So as your family watches the movie, pray your kids have wisdom to act like good boys and girls.
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I was pleasently surprised by the story, but again there is magic used which falls into the category Scripture warns us to avoid. (I don't think that means for us to avoid the movie but familiarity unfortunately opens kids up to avaliability…
My kids, adopted from China, really love this movie, so do I.
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Stuart Little
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Stuart Little
The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet
This movie is about not fitting in and guilt over past actions. It can be a conversation starter.
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The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet
This film is very insightful when relating to children from difficult backgrounds.
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October Baby
This deals with a heavy topic that may not be suitable for small kids.
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October Baby