Comedy, Action, Adventure, Animation, Boys, Kids Phil Lord Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy Chris Pratt, Will Ferrell, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Nick Offerman, Alison Brie, Charlie Day, Liam Neeson, Morgan Freeman, Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Cobie Smulders, Jadon Sand, Graham Miller, Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee Williams, Keith Ferguson, Shaquille O'Neal, Will Forte, Dave Franco, Jake Johnson, Keegan-Michael Key, Chris McKay, Jorma Taccone, Christopher Miller, Craig Berry, David Burrows, Amanda Farinos, Todd Hansen, Kelly Lafferty, Doug Nicholas, Chris Paluszek, Chris Romano, Melissa Sturm, Leiki Veskimets The Lego Movie This movie has ingredients for young and old. It's one the kids will want to watch over and over. (If you don't like a dry kind of humor than I don't think you'll like it.) Rent it here: Rent Now The Lego Movie