CGI, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Boys, Kids Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Family Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts, Bob Hoskins, Maggie Smith, Caroline Goodall, Charlie Korsmo, Amber Scott, Arthur Malet, Isaiah Robinson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Phil Collins, Glenn Close, Regina Russell Banali, Jasen Fisher, James Madio, Ryan Francis, Max Hoffman, Kelly Rowan, Jake Hoffman, Geoffrey Lower, Don S. Davis, Brad Blumenthal, David Crosby, Nick Tate, Tony Burton, Carrie Fisher, George Lucas, Jimmy Buffett, Dante Basco Hook It's a good live action of the story that was first done in animation. (Hey didn't this idea become real popular starting in 2017. A ton of live action movies started coming to the theater, after their animated versions were a smashing…