Drama, Action, Adventure, Fiction, Warning Ridley Scott Action, Drama, Adventure Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Oliver Reed, Richard Harris, Derek Jacobi, Djimon Hounsou, David Schofield, John Shrapnel, Tomas Arana, Ralf Moeller, Tommy Flanagan, Spencer Treat Clark, David Hemmings, Sven-Ole Thorsen, Giannina Facio, Alun Raglan, Giorgio Cantarini, David Bailie, Omid Djalili, Nicholas McGaughey, Tony Curran, Mark Lewis, John Quinn, Al Hunter Ashton, Allan Corduner, Michael Mellinger, Said Amel, Adam Levy, Gilly Gilchrist, David Nicholls, Malcolm Ellul, Ray Mangion, James Fiddy, João Costa Menezes, Mike Mitchell, Norman Campbell Rees, Steve Saunders, Brian Smyj Gladiator This is a powerful movie with great characters. My only warning is that it is for adults only. Rent it here: Rent Now Gladiator