Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, Girls, Boys, Kids, Comedy Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow, Vincent Cassel, Peter Dennis, Clive Pearse, Jim Cummings, Bobby Block, Chris Miller, Cody Cameron, Kathleen Freeman, Conrad Vernon, Christopher Knights, Simon J. Smith, Jacquie Barnbrook, Guillaume Aretos, John Bisom, Calvin Remsberg, Jean-Paul Vignon, Val Bettin, Andrew Adamson, Patty Cornell, Charles Dennis, Mehmet Ali Erbil, Susan Fitzer, Elisa Gabrielli, Gary A. Hecker, Frank Welker, Matthew Gonder Shrek Yes, this is a funny movie. Kinda reminds me of myself, "How can I get rid of all these children so I can have my home back?"--wink, wink. Rent it here: Rent Now Shrek