Action, Adventure, Fiction, Animation, Boys, Kids Animation, Family, Adventure, Comedy Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Michael Caine, Emily Mortimer, John Turturro, Eddie Izzard, Thomas Kretschmann, Joe Mantegna, Peter Jacobson, Bruce Campbell, Tony Shalhoub, Darrell Waltrip, Guido Quaroni, Brent Musburger, Jason Isaacs, David Hobbs, Stanley Townsend, Lloyd Sherr, Paul Dooley, Michel Michelis, Sig Hansen, Franco Nero, Vanessa Redgrave, Bonnie Hunt, Cheech Marin, Jenifer Lewis, Michael Wallis, Katherine Helmond, John Ratzenberger, Jeff Garlin, Patrick Walker, Lewis Hamilton, Velibor Topic, John Mainieri, Brad Lewis, Richard Kind, Edie McClurg, Teresa Gallagher, Jeff Gordon, John Lasseter, Mark Winterbottom, Fernando Alonso, Vitaly Petrov, Jan Nilsson, Memo Rojas, Jacques Villeneuve, Sebastian Vettel Cars 2 This kinda becomes a movie that adults and track with more than the children, as it's a template from James Bond (and what child has seen a James Bond). But it misses the mark for adults too. It's really a story of Tow-mater and his…