Christian Message, New Testament, Drama, Action, History Christopher Spencer Drama Adrian Schiller, Amber Rose Revah, Anas Chenin, Andrew Brooke, Conan Stevens, Daniel Percival, Darcie Lincoln, Darwin Shaw, David Rintoul, Diogo Morgado, Fraser Ayres, Gary Oliver, Greg Hicks, Idrissa Sisco, Jassa Ahluwalia, Joe Coen, Joe Wredden, Langley Kirkwood, Leila Mimmack, Louise Delamere, Matthew Gravelle, Nonso Anozie, Noureddine Aberdine, Patrice Naiambana, Paul Brightwell, Paul Knops, Paul Marc Davis, Rick Bacon, Roma Downey, Said Bey, Sana Mouziane, Sebastian Knapp, Simon Kunz, Stewart Scudamore, William Houston Son of God I must say we have not seen this movie, so I can't comment yet. Rent it here: Rent Now Son of God