Boys, Science Fiction, CGI, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Girls, Kids Action, Adventure, Science Fiction Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Joonas Suotamo, Paul Bettany, Erin Kellyman, Jon Favreau, Linda Hunt, Ian Kenny, Clint Howard, Anthony Daniels, Kiran Shah, Warwick Davis, Ray Park, Samuel Witwer, Jonathan Kasdan, Toby Hefferman, John Tui, Charlotte Louise, Dee Tails, Attila Vajda, Lily Newmark, Samantha Colley, Sema-Tawi Smart, Fraser Kelly, Alice Hewkin, Dempsey Bovell, Anna Francolini, Robert Morgan, Aaron Heffernan, Eben Figueiredo, Shaquille Ali-Yebuah, Andrew Woodall, Damian Farrell, Hal Fowler, Andrew Jack, Harley Durst, Miles Richardson, Katy Kartwheel, Dave Chapman, Joseph Charles, Sammy Hayman, Rona Morison, Jason Wong, Richard Dixon, Deepak Anand Solo: A Star Wars StoryThis is a fun story as the franchise works out on screen the details of each character's backstory. Rent it here Rent Now Solo: A Star Wars Story (Theatrical Version)