Drama, Kids, Boys, Girls, Adventure Colin McIvor War, Family, History Art Parkinson, Emily Flain, Toby Jones, Ian O'Reilly, Ian McElhinney, Penelope Wilton, James Stockdale, Damian O'Hare, Amy Huberman, Stephen Hagan, Lalor Roddy, Frank Cannon, Michael Stuart, Maggie Cronin, Donncha Crowley, Pauline Hutton, Colin Carnegie, Seamus O'Hara, Ciaran Nolan, Geraldine McAlinden, Glen Nee, Charlie Bonner, Andrew McNeill, Shane McCaffrey, Clare McMahon, Oliver Wilson, Corey Millar ZooSeveral Zoo movies came out at the same time and I think people overlooked this movie. It's one about a Zoo in Belfast during WWII and considers the plight of what to do with dangerous animals in the middle of a war zone. It's also a nice…