CGI, Comedy, Action, Kids, Animation, Fiction, Adventure Will Gluck Animation, Adventure, Family James Corden, Rose Byrne, Margot Robbie, Sam Neill, Domhnall Gleeson, Daisy Ridley, Elizabeth Debicki, Sia Furler, Felix Williamson, Fayssal Bazzi, Ewen Leslie, Rachel Ward, Bryan Brown, David Wenham, Fletcher Sheridan, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Terenia Edwards, Colin Moody, Christian Gazal, Alexandra Gluck, Taryn Gluck, Will Reichelt, Jessica Freedman, Shana Halligan, Katharine Hoye, Chris Mann, Chad Reisser, Vauxhall Jermaine Peter Rabbit A fun story. It acts like hiding ones feelings and emotions from another is a good thing. When is it OK to stuff your emotions so deep so as to not impact other relationships? Rent it here: Rent Now Peter Rabbit